Know Before You Show

Are you new to reining, or maybe just want to ensure you have completed all the steps necessary to ensure you qualify for the various programs? Sometimes it feels like a daunting task to have all of the forms and documents submitted before the show season. This checklist is intended to help you know what forms you need to complete before your first show.

Forms & Documents

The Forms & Documents section contains useful links to many of the forms, documents, and information you might find helpful including links to RMRHA forms & documents such as show schedules, program details, membership application, and more. This section also contains links to important NRHA information including Competition License application, NRHA Membership application, Ineligibility Lists, NRHA Affiliate Designation form and more.

New to Reining?

Are you a first time reiner and interested in the sport of Reining? Consider the NRHA Entry Level Program.

NRHA Entry Level Program

Want to know more about NRHA?


  • Your horse must have a Competition License before you show. NRHA competition license applications can be sent to NRHA, or will be accepted at NRHA approved shows.
  • If you have recently purchased a horse, please check with the previous owner or the NRHA Office to determine whether your new horse has a Competition License. If your horse has a license, you must transfer it to your name prior to showing. Click here for Competition License transfer FAQ.
  • Certain classes allow riders to compete with a leased horse. NRHA requires that the lease agreement is received before you show.



RMRHA offers the RMRHA Year End Program, and participates in the NRHA Affiliate Program. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these programs before you show. The following items must be completed prior to any show for that show’s results to count towards the respective programs.

  • Apply for, or renew your NRHA Membership. You must have a NRHA Membership in order to participate in the RMRHA Year End Awards Program and the NRHA Affiliate Program. If showing in Non Pro classes (including Rookie) you must obtain NRHA Non Pro status prior to showing. If showing in Youth classes you must have a Youth membership card. NRHA requires Youth member birthdate to be on file.
  • Apply for, or renew your RMRHA Membership. The Rider and Owner must have a current RMRHA membership to qualify for the RMRHA Year-End Awards Program. The Rider must have a current RMRHA membership to participate and represent RMRHA in the NRHA Affiliate Program.
  • Check the NRHA Ineligibility Lists to ensure you and/or your horse are eligible for any classes you would like to show in.
  • Take the time to become familiar with the Program Details for the available programs, and determine which program(s) you would like to participate in.


If you would like to participate in the NRHA Affiliate Program you must designate an affiliate no later than August 1 of the current year.


Take time to prepare you and your equine partner for the ride of your life! RMRHA offers various Clinics throughout the year for members. And be sure to check out the RMRHA Trainers Directory if you’d like help with show preparation, horse training, or coaching.


This is the fun part! Participate in any of the RMRHA qualifying shows. Learn as you show, gain new friendships, and challenge you and your horse to achieve your goals!



Participate as a volunteer for a minimum of 4 hours at a RMRHA show, Committee, or any other RMRHA sanctioned event to qualify for RMRHA Year End Awards. Submit your volunteer form within 2 weeks of the event by completing and submitting a volunteer participation form.



Watch the Standings for the various programs to see how you are doing.


Join your fellow reiners to celebrate a year of learning and fun at the annual RMRHA Awards Banquet and Holiday party!