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RMRHA Educational Scholarship Application Information and Process
What: $2500 scholarship awarded to assist in starting a program of study OR continuing a program of study at a post high-school institution. Recipient(s) will be determined by the RMRHA Board of Directors (BOD)
Deadline: Applicants must turn in their application packet to Holly Tracy by midnight, November 25, 2024
Awards Announcement: The RMRHA BOD will announce the winner(s) of the RMRHA Educational Scholarships in at the Annual RMRHA Members Year-end awards banquet. The scholarship awards given for 2024 may be used for the semester/trimester beginning on or around January 1, 2025.
Previous Recipients

Attention Youth Members: Keep up to date with youth activities via e-mail. If you did not submit an email address with your youth membership application, please feel free to email Youth Coordinator to ensure that we have your address.
Youth Officers

Bella Beck
Hello, my name is Bella Beck, and I am serving as this year’s RMRHA youth president! I am 14 years old and live in Colorado Springs. I am the RMRHYA liaison for NRHYA and a delegate for RMQHYA. I have been riding since I was little but started reining 2 years ago. My horse’s name is Buddy, and he has taught me a lot. Buddy has not only taught me how to show, but he has taught me how to overcome challenges head-on.
My goal as this year’s RMRHA youth president is to bring the association’s youth closer together and to build our relationships with each other because, at the end of the day, we all have one thing in common, we love horses. I love to set examples for upcoming youth and help out association grow. Overall, I am very grateful for the opportunity to be your RMRHA youth president!

Hannah Schuck
Vice President
Hello, my name is Hannah Schuck, and I will be serving as your 2023 RMRHA Youth Vice President. I am 17 years old, and I live in Franktown, Colorado. I have been riding at Warren Performance Horses for six years, and through those six years, Mr. Devin Warren has shown me the importance of having a good character and to be thankful for the opportunities and the moments that I get to share with my horse. Mr. Warren has also encouraged me to understand that no goal or standard in riding is impossible if you have the will to work towards it.
In my spare time, I help maintain the farm and enjoy time with my siblings. Previously, I also participated in 4-H horse projects. Everywhere I go, I love to help people in every way I can, and I have been blessed by fulfilling this position previously, in the spring of 2022. This position has shown me how to encourage and grow our youth riders as well as fulfill their dreams and goals.
“For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the One who helps You.” – Isiah 41:13″

Ryan Jensen
Social Media
My name is Ryan Jensen and I show Redneck Enterprize (aka Phoenix) in the Non Pro and Youth. I am going to be a freshman at Baylor University this fall and can’t wait to finish out my youth career being an RMRHA Youth Officer!

Payton Cure
Hi my name is Payton Cure and I am this years RMRHA Youth Treasurer. I am 9 years old. I became an officer this year because I wanted to be involved with the association and meet new members. My horses name is Muffin and he has taught me a lot. Math is one of my best subjects so I think I can be a good treasurer. I love going to the horse shows and seeing all my friends.